Pup Pot Meals
Just add fresh protein and water to make balanced, all natural food for your pup. Nothing beats a homemade meal.
Snacks & Treats
Fun, human grade snacks for your pup!
Cedric's Cookbook
A digital cookbook - PDF download
- Gourmet Dog Recipes
- Dogtails, drinks & more
- Join thousands of pup parents who love our book!
Cedric's Cookbook - Gourmet Food for Dogs
Frequently Asked Questions
Can my cat have your products?
Our products are formulated specifically for dogs and based on research in dog nutrition, not cats. We suggest checking with an expert before giving anything to your sweet cat!
Do you ship outside the USA?
Not right now, but we hope to soon.
Yes. We use whole sunflower seeds in our mixes because of their high vitamin E content. When the meal cooks, the oils and vitamin E in the seeds are released into the food. The vitamin E in sunflower seeds is up to 2-times more active than the synthetic kind that you find in many dog foods. That, and our commitment to real food ingredients is why we use them. The hull isn’t the important component and often passes out whole.
HELP I have another question...
Email hi@preciouscreatures.co (.co, NOT .com!) with your questions and we will get back to you ASAP!